Film Photography

I have a Nikon FM, which I did not know how to use one little bit. I read, experimented and took some photos to check that it worked. I find taking photos with this film camera to be liberating compared to using a digital camera. I wish that there was a digital camera with exactly the same controls as on the FM – and that you had to just work within the limitations of the camera. I find focusing manually to be easy. I realise that I take photos of inanimate objects and so manual focusing suits me. Using precisely three controls, plus focusing the lens, allows me to think about developing my composition. I chose Ilford HP5+ because I liked the idea of grain in the pictures. If the picture is too smooth and un-filmlike then maybe there wouldn’t be any point in taking pictures on film. Scanning the developed film takes time but to my untrained eye the scans look good.

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