I had noted that I wanted to try some reflections – I have had a go at taking some in shop windows, but the rain gave me an opportunity to try taking a reflection in the puddle, and from a low viewpoint. I think this is a bit different from what I have managed to achieve so far and I am quite happy with it as a sort of ‘proof of concept’.
I liked the patterns on this door…it is the entrance to a nightclub or a strange underground bunker, or something. I slightly adjusted the brightness of the yellow to make it not quite so overpowering. I could probably go back to the door and take some more photos to see what else I could come up with.
Old Car
Half Timbered Houses
Ordinary Things
Not a film image. Converted to black and white from Fuji Xpro2 picture. I like the idea of photographing the familiar, the ordinary and I would like to experiment with photographing anything unattractive and ignored – like overflowing bins, decaying food, etc. There are many of these types of ignored places- the back doors of shops, alleys and dead-ends. Even in a small town there are plenty of forgotten, ‘urban’ scenes. I also would like to take more pictures of graffiti – although I think that might work best in colour.
Railway Bridge
The railway bridge in Leamington. I was trying to capture a whole lot of birds flying up at once but although I waited for ages, only this one appeared and I took the picture, with something more spectacular in mind. This gives me an idea to aim for in the future. I like the structure against the empty sky, which is why I have taken a number of similar pictures, trying to capture exactly the look that I imagine. Not there yet.
I am getting more used to taking pictures with a film camera, being unable to look at them on a screen immediately, and going through the meditative process of developing the film before I see what good or bad I have done. I am glad that the pictures are not available instantly. There is anticipation and excitement finishing the steps of the development and getting a first glimpse of the negatives. At this point, the final image still cannot he seen – just the fact that at least there are images and, to my astonishment, the magical process has worked again.
There is a fairly low rate of useable images. This is what I need to concentrate my attention on: looking carefully before I take each picture to weigh up what will make a good composition. I need to read more about composition and I think that with practise I might see the ratio of good to unusable pictures go up.